Reasor’s has partnered with Logile Inc. and completed a comprehensive total store opportunity assessment which identified significant opportunities for improving productivity and customer service. In a collaborative effort, the team of Logile industrial engineers and Reasor’s store managers measured associate utilization and reviewed Reasor’s work methods versus industry best practices. They examined workplace organizational opportunities using 5-S principles and identified great potential for efficiencies and savings. In addition to organizational improvements with 5-S, a number of method improvement initiatives were identified for rollout. The opportunities identified exceeded Logile’s expected return on investment.
Steve Lehto, Reasor’s EVP/Chief Operating Officer said “Logile’s opportunity assessment methodology was comprehensive and inclusive. Their industrial engineers worked alongside our managers and studied the work in our stores. With this understanding, they designed and tested more efficient work methods and quantified the payroll impact of implementing these changes. The learnings and insights from our collaboration with Logile are enabling us to become more efficient while we continue to grow sales, improve our customers’ shopping experiences, and prioritize our labor initiatives over the next few years.”
Mike Carter, Logile’ s VP of Business Development said that “it has been a tremendous experience working with Reasor’s as they have helped us fine tune our opportunity assessments in meeting the specific needs of smaller independent retailers.”
About Reasor’s
Founded in 1963 and celebrating over 50 years of service to their customers. Reasor’s is a Northeastern Oklahoma food retailer that is 100% Employee owned and is operating 18 stores and 2 convenience stores in Tulsa, Oklahoma and other NE Oklahoma communities. They will open their 19th store location in spring 2015. Today, Reasor’s employs about 3,000 associates in their stores and corporate offices.
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