At the Forefront: How Training Can Improve Software User Adoption and Facilitate Change Management


Logile, Inc.

man working at a laptop
man working at a laptop

Xeny Lopez Matos, Creative Manager (US)

Training is overlooked, even downplayed, in every organization. But when employees don’t meet performance expectations, training is suddenly in the spotlight. It’s easy to understand why training is perceived this way. Training doesn’t directly impact profits and it doesn’t influence quarterly financial initiatives. Or does it? Without training, employees don’t receive the tools and information they need to meet performance expectations. Yes, people join a company with experience and a skillset, but every organization functions differently and every role requires knowledge that is specific to the company. This is even more applicable when you throw in upskilling or learning how to use a new software solution. If employees don’t receive the training they need to use the tools required for the job, they can’t perform—and employees who don’t perform impact the company’s bottom line.

The technology factor

Regardless of the industry or the job role, technology is used in one way or another. Learning a new system or solution can be challenging especially with a diverse workforce. Employees with varying levels of experience will struggle to different degrees when learning a new solution. Different types of employees, such as part-time or flexible employees, won’t necessarily require the same onboarding experience as the traditional full-time employee. This is when training comes in. Training is the middle piece, the mediator so to speak, that influences how quickly employees learn to adopt and use a new software solution and can be targeted to their specific needs.

Speaking about user adoption…

How effortlessly have you seen the integration of new processes and changes within your company? We’re guessing it hasn’t been easy and you’re not alone! Getting employees to use new software is a common challenge on many technology initiatives. In addition, software changes are typically accompanied by other organizational changes. All these changes impact an employee’s ability to do their job, which understandably causes stress and can lead to pushback.

We get it. Change is hard, especially when it impacts how we do our job. However, for a new solution, program or system to be embraced and effective, it must have high user adoption and support. User adoption must be easy and seamless to gain the support a company needs. This is when training can be the “it” factor, the big difference that influences whether employees will embrace change or fight it. Training eases the information overload an employee feels when they must learn how to use a new software solution and system. Providing quality training shortens the adjustment period that comes with using new software and, as a result, alleviates frustration. Training also provides a communication line to employees to clarify questions and misconceptions. Most importantly, training, addresses the “what’s in it for me” question—it shows how using the new software benefits the employee.

The times are a-changing

Bob Dylan was right, things are changing. They’re evolving fast, especially in the workplace. However, it’s how we react to change that sets us apart and can help us stay ahead. As we discussed, training is necessary and required to help employees learn a new solution and begin using it as soon as possible. But just like our software solutions, training is constantly evolving as well.

Introducing digital adoption

Digital adoption. You may have heard of it. Digital adoption uses integrated software that teaches users how to use a platform through direct, online interaction. It’s become the social media of marketing by introducing the next evolutionary era of training development and delivery. Through digital adoption, companies can take training to the next level by having their employees learn how to use their software tools directly in the software solution itself. It is learning by doing, and combining this training method with other training delivery can compound the benefits of training altogether.

And we conclude…

Training should be at the forefront and every company’s priority. It’s just as important and impactful as a marketing plan, customer outreach and sale initiatives. Whether it’s the introduction of a new software solution or bringing new hires up to speed, training prepares your employees by communicating not only how to use the tools they need for their job, but also highlighting the benefits the tools will bring. In addition, exploring the advancements of training offerings, such as digital adoption, can further expedite the learning process and shorten the learning curve. However, digital adoption cannot encompass all of training. Certain situations and factors will ultimately determine the type of training or combination of training that best meets your needs. As we’ll explore in future discussions, organizations that take a multi-faceted approach to training to set their workers up for success and reap the benefits through their improved performance.

Stay tuned to subsequent posts through our blog and newsletter, where we discuss how certain training advancements can be used to elevate the training experience.