Staffing Demand & Analysis

Create and analyze accurate scheduling requirements based on your labor standards, volume forecast and labor costs.

Your store-specific labor standards and volume forecast have generated your raw demand. Now it’s time to translate that demand into staffing hours you can incorporate into the schedule and workplan. Staff Planning takes your raw labor demand and creates an accurate workload for people.

Get staffing by task in 15-minute increments

Transforming the weekly or daily work content into interval staffing requirements for scheduling involves more than just spreading the hours across department open and close times. We start with the forecast and move beyond open and close to include the various rules associated, the tasks and timing, and necessary task sequencing as part of the workplan. It all accumulates to enable task-based scheduling with labor requirements at the 15-minute interval.

Put the right hours in the right place at the right time

Changing raw demand into effective scheduling requirements means factoring in staffing parameters such as:

  • Additional business and service concerns (e.g., minimum/maximum coverage and queueing standards)
  • Placement of tasks by day and time of day
  • Interval demand calculation logic (e.g., rounding and smoothing)

Staffing Analyzer: Your toolbox for hour placement and staff modeling

Understand your cost of labor and service commitments with critical insights to manage staffing parameters and optimally place your labor hours. With Staffing Analyzer, your labor team can model the impact of service level changes and customize these changes by day and specific time of day for a single store or across your enterprise.

Precisely position tasks when you want them to occur. Staffing Analyzer allows you to see how your labor tasks, volume-driven variable hours, and staffing parameters like minimum hours coverage come together to formulate department scheduling requirements. Make refinements to your staffing to balance task work with other demand to make the most of your hours while minimizing wasted down time during portions of a day.

Key Benefits

  • Ability to transform raw labor demand into schedulable requirements
  • Supports placement of labor tasks including both fixed and variable (volume dependent) operations
  • Enables hours defined at a weekly or daily level to effectively be spread to daily intervals at the time of day work should be performed
  • Ability to define staffing parameters for all business rules not defined within labor standards such as min and max employees, rounding of decimal demand, rounding between tasks, rounding to next interval, accumulation rounding, queueing, smoothing and sustain logic, staffing allowances, special adjustments, and many more
  • Core component in achieving the right people at the right place and time, doing the right things
  • Improved productivity, service and staffing
  • Improved schedules and labor optimization

Analyze and execute simply and easily

Use Staffing Analyzer to create and model alternative staffing strategies. If you think smaller volume stores need a different staffing strategy than your higher volume stores, model each and manage them as clusters. Want to model alternative service strategies and determine the cost?  Run that model across your entire organization to see how many hours the alternative would take.

  • Understand your interval requirements: Realize how staffing parameters are adding time to raw work demand.
  • Conduct what-if analysis scenarios: Model proposed changes and know the impact across your stores in just minutes.
  • Perform analysis with your historical or forecast data in minutes: Totals summarized and daily graphs display interval placement of requirements.
  • Get fast analysis and insights for new optimization: Accomplish what would have taken your analysts days to create, execute and summarize.

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