Labor Standards Development & Management

Create and adjust labor standards anytime, anywhere, and streamline labor management activities.

Get a comprehensive tool to build and maintain engineered labor standards for your organization. With Enterprise Standards Manager (ESM), you can create and update labor standards at any time via web or mobile app. Apply any of the industry standard work measurement techniques, including MOST® and time study.

With analytics and task support across mobile platforms, you’re enabled to quickly collect in-store data, validate labor standards, and perform analysis on customer experience, queuing and employee utilization. Fully integrated with our Enterprise Labor Model to deliver a seamless process for customizing standards and managing labor across your organization. Mobile access saves time, reinforces best engineering methods and avoids secondary reentry of observed data.

A complete labor standards repository

Get cloud-based accessibility to house all labor data in one enterprise-wide platform and store supporting materials such as standard operating procedures and sampling data connected to labor standards. This is your essential reference for continuous improvement work.

Maximize speed and performance

You have limited time and a business to run. That’s why we designed ESM to streamline labor management work activities. Quickly build labor standards from easy-to-use standard data elements and a complete library of industry-specific standards that may be integrated with existing standards or tailored to specific preferred work methods. And with the Action Alerts dashboard, you’ll gain immediate visibility into labor data issues for timely, fast resolution.

Conduct labor planning analysis from your mobile device with engineering support apps

Get the tools you need to optimize labor productivity and improve customer service at your fingertips. Our Labor Wizard enables you to:

  • Survey store-specific attributes
  • Measure employee utilization
  • Study impacts of customer experience
  • Perform queuing analysis
  • Method and time validate labor standards

Key Benefits

  • Ability to efficiently develop, maintain and leverage engineered labor standards for downstream use in effective labor planning and management
  • Labor standards and documentation all housed in one enterprise-wide platform
  • Store profiles select the right standards for each store
  • Store characteristics enable creation of store-specific standards based on specific store variables
  • Library of industry-typical standards for use or reference
  • Easily conduct work measurement, collect sampling data and leverage your standards to support initiatives like budgeting, scheduling and labor analysis
  • Clear visibility into the work effort required to perform tasks and provide service
  • Core component to understanding and optimizing labor

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