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Blog Blog Setting Labor Expectations and Effective Retail Reporting: Managing Labor Labor management and reporting are complex functions. It helps to break down some of the elements to understand how they work and where they fit… Blog Blog Happy Associates: How Training Can Lead to Greater Employee Satisfaction In the quest to foster happier, more fulfilled employees, training represents a strategy that not only boosts productivity but also helps drive… Blog Blog Accurate Forecasting Is the Key to Unlocking Value From Labor Scheduling Tools Faster computing platforms, AI and ML algorithms have led to forecast accuracy breakthroughs. Better math and faster processing out-gun older, static… Blog Blog The Case for Superior Retail Staffing Analysis Tools New retail staffing analysis tools present a tremendous opportunity to strategically deploy labor resources. They enable a small labor team to do far… Blog Blog Next-Generation Workforce Management: An Inventory of Fresh Opportunities for Retail Stores Retailers can address impacts of higher labor costs with the latest generation of WFM tools that leverage expanded use of AI, real-time data exchange… Blog Blog The New Normal: The Impact of Higher Labor Costs in Retail The new normal of higher labor costs has driven fundamental changes in retail organizations as add-on labor costs have resulted in fewer,…

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