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Blog Blog Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right in Service Scheduling When your parents or teachers first told you that “two wrongs don't make a right” who knew that they were giving you critical Labor Management… Blog Blog The ultimate foundation: executive leadership! Logile's ROADMAP FOR OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE infographic identifies all the building blocks to empower a retail organization… Blog Blog Is optimizing labor really code for finding ways to cut labor hours across stores? The most successful retailers treat labor optimization as a science that is based on understanding and quantifying work... Blog Blog Could Hospitals Learn from Retailers Could Hospitals learn lessons from retailers on how to reduce operating costs while simultaneously improving service levels? The hospital featured in… Blog Blog Coborn’s completa su implementación del Software de Planificación Laboral de la Empresa (ELP) de Logile, Inc. Coborn's Inc., el Retailer Independiente del año en el 2011, se está beneficiando con los niveles del servicio al cliente mejorados y ganancias de… Blog Blog More Employees Agree To Fragmented Hours To Get Work The economy adds a decent number of jobs every month but there are big questions about the quality of some of those jobs. Many people getting hired…

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